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Hosted By Diaryland


the diagnosis, according to me.
((2004-04-19 - 3:12 p.m.))

I'm supposed to be studying for my final in abnormal psych. Fortunately, for me, I have enough people in my life with mental illnesses that I know quite a bit without the textbook or having to attend lectures.

However, I did find something interesting. I figured out what is wrong with my ex, (Philip the creepy stalker who's obsessive stalking is OUTOFCONTROL)and I will go ahead and diagnose him with delusional disorder. Before defining the disorder, I would first like to say that I am not a medical professional, but my nonmedical opinion seems to be right on target for this guy-if you know him, or know about him, you'll know why.

The definition of delusional disorder is as follows:

"a nonschizophrenic paranoid disorder whose main features were formerly included under the classic rubric 'paranoia'. Like many individuals with schizophrenia, patients with delusional disorder nuture, give voice to, and sometimes TAKE ACTIONS BASED ON BELIEFS THAT ARE CONSIDERED COMPLETELY FALSE AND ABSURD BY THOSE AROUND THEM, (i.e. philip's physical and verbal abuse when he'd assume i cheated on him, and also stalking me, trying to tell me that we're soul mates when everybody else knows i'd rather slam each of my hands and feet in a car door) Although the formal diagnosis of delusional disorder is rare in clinical and metal hospital populations, this observation provides a somewhat misleading picture of its actual prevalence. Many exploited inventors, fanatical reformers, self-styled prophets, MORBIDLY JEALOUS (the definiing feature of phil throughout our relationship) spouses, and persecuted teachers fall into this category...It is usually impossible to communicate with such individuals about their problems in a rational way."

Well, yeah, Philip meets all of that criteria. The reason why he's in court right now (as I sit here typing, unable show up today cuz I have two finals today) is because of this psychological impairment of his. He's at his pre-trial for crimes he committed against me: 1st degree home invasion (2x in one night), stalking, domestic violence, larceny and cutting phone lines, all charges filed against him by me-TWO MONTHS after we had broken up! Before that incident, there were numerous times where he would be completely WRONG in his suspicions, because of his delusions, and wake me up out of deep sleeps by repeatedly beating on me. He continues to be delusional by thinking that he can continue calling me three or four times a day(which believe it or not is a major improvement from the fifty times a day he used to blow up my phone with) and sending me IMs saying that one day, when all the charges miraculously go away, I will be his again, I'll realize that he's the one I'm meant to be with.

HAHA. no. no way. nope. he must think im delusional as well.
