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Bitch & Moan Designs
Hosted By Diaryland


cheesy persistance and ridiculous animal hatred
((2004-05-21 - 11:49 p.m.))

my week in a nutshell (im trying really hard to make this entry as short and to the point as poss, but im not too successful with summing things up quickly. i guess itll be a challenge for me) screw it-- i can't sum things up quickly. who am i kidding? why try to be some short-and-to-the-point storyteller when it's not who i am?

1. Monday-my sister, Bis stopped over for a second to borrow some things- as she was leaving, I left with her-said goodbye-she got in her car-drove off-i allllmooooost got in my car--i get a glimpse of a ridiculously bright red lil car in my blind spot. i do a double take, and see that the driver of the brand new infinity sports car with ginormous shiny rims is none other than my ex-boyf, philip, the creep. he claims that the car is his, so obvi that means his daddy is paying for it, as well as the thousands upon thousands he's paying for the defense attorney he hired for the court case his son managed to get himself into when he chose to break into my apt. two times in one night and assault me, then proceed to stalk me for months afterwards. YEAH-ID SAY THE CREEPY ASSHOLE DESERVES A BRAND NEW INFINITY!!?!?!?!?? wtf.

my sis, luckily had sisterly intuition and as she was pulling out of my apt. complex, saw the creep-that-once-was-my-boyfriend in his creep-ass car. she slammed on the breaks and put the car into reverse, swerving backwards to my rescue. thank god, cuz when i saw him pull up next to my car, all i wanted to do was yell "BIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS", at the top of my lungs, knowing full well that she would never hear me over her car's engine, the nearby fountain at the pond and her car stereo.

just as he was beginning to worry me with his persistant pushy-ness and determined pleads of forgiveness,i realized bis had opened my driver side door and was all up in the left side of my face, demanding to know WHYYY he was still busting his dangerous self around me. "does he realize he's breaking the law? i thought you told me he has a restraining order from the courts? he's not supposed to do this? does he do this all the time?" I shook my head, "no, no, NOOO", as i rolled up my passenger side window. he looked SUPER-GUILTY as soon as he saw Bis (afterall, she WAS a witness to his violation of parole-which meant his lawyer wouldn't be able to bring this whole mess to trial)She followed him away from me, making sure that he would not turn around to follow my car. He pulled up next to her at a light, and tried to apologize and look all innocent. She just shrugged her shoulders and gave him a look like "You fucked with the WRONG girl." Yeah, he did. I later got the number of his attorney from my mom, and called him, frantically and frustruated, I told him all the times Phil had violated his parole, especially focusing on the ridiculous stunt he had pulled that day by stopping by uninvited to show off his cheesy-ass car. Haven't had a call from Phil ever since, not even an IM or email. You don't know how wonderful it is to be me right now :)

2. my boss was in a horrible mood this week, and proceeded to take it out on the cat cuz of her mother's ALLEGED allergy attack that didn't even respond to Zyrtec. BULLSHIT-homegirl (grandma) just was gettin stir-crazy sittin in that teeny-tiny house all day all alone, so she milked some allegies. Anyways, as they were about to leave, on a mission to find something BETTER than Zyrtec or Benadryl, for cat allergies, my boss goes "we'll be back in a lil bit- we just gotta get something to kill the cat...dander." She kinda trails off with her sentences, and I swear she sounded like she said "kill the cat", as the "dander" part was almost completely inaudible. So her son,(the boy i am the personal assistant for, who is severely disabled) flinched in his wheelchair, wrinkled his brow, bit his lip, and started to cry. I quickly told him "Noo-noo, she said kill the cat dander- NOT the cat." He calmed down once she and I explained what she meant.

I, however, think that it was a definite slip that originated deep within her subconscious. She definitely has a tendency to make these slip-ups that refer to death when talking about the cat that belongs to her "significant other". poor cat. i offered to babysit her at my apt., but she refused, saying, "it's HIS responsibility-he just needs to learn to take care of the damn thing." BIABIAAAA. done for now. i know there was more to discuss, but im tired of talkin bout myself.

