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Bitch & Moan Designs
Hosted By Diaryland


i better not oversleep
((2004-04-14 - 4:13 a.m.))

im sitting on the floor.

you may be wondering,

oh meg, what for?

well, cuz my chair broke and i have no more.

i used to have a table that had four

now i live like a cheap whore,

just sitting on the floor.

alright, that's annoying. but kinda fun. especially since it's 415, ive been studying my ass off, and i was in desperate need of a study break.

i think the chair busting beneath my butt was a sign to stop studying or ill do what im famous for doing-sleep through the class i pulled an all-nighter preparing for.

Either it was a sign to go to bed, or a sign to start working out again. no, cuz that'd mean i'd have to be the size of an elephant, or something to that extent. it's a new-ish director type chair from pier one, how the hell did this happen? it just came undone from the one side with a *pop*, and it doesn't seem to wanna go back together.

the beastly ex broke my dining room chairs. being the massive giant he is, it's not surprising. but what's not cool is the comfy blue chair i USED to have to use as my computer chair back-up was rudely taken by him to the dirty, stoner shack he called home for awhile. i don't even want to know the amount of naked dingle berried asses have since sat on that chair.

Maybe ill just use this as an excuse to go shopping. Are chairs expensive?

I really need to go wash my hair, it's starting to stink like dirty head. you know exactly the smell im talking about.

